jaderalmeida Brasília
No dia 1º de fevereiro, o designer Jader Almeida e o empresário Carlos Alberto Oliveira receberam 200 convidados, entre arquitetos, designers de interiores e clientes especiais para conhecer a Flagship Store jaderalmeida de Brasília.
On the night of last Thursday, February 1st, designer Jader Almeida and businessman Carlos Alberto Oliveira hosted 200 guests including architects, interior designers, and special clients to introduce the jaderalmeida Flagship Store in Brasília.
São 750m² que reúnem as linhas Living, Outdoor e Lighting, além de lançamentos e peças únicas. O conjunto realça a assinatura da marca jaderalmeida, reconhecida pela elegância e sobriedade.
It comprises 750m² bringing together the Living, Outdoor, and Lighting lines, as well as new releases and unique pieces. The ensemble enhances the signature of the jaderalmeida brand, recognized for its elegance and sobriety.
O espaço apresenta algumas peças exclusivas, como o Biombo Desert, e reedições do sistema aéreo BSB, da poltrona Wing e da cadeira Olive. A Flagship Store jaderalmeida fica no Casapark Piso Superior.
The place features some exclusive items, such as the Desert Screen, and reissues of the BSB aerial system, the Wing armchair, and the Olive chair. The jaderalmeida Flagship Store is located in Casapark Upper Floor.
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